Oso Creek Campus Timeline
Oso Creek Campus Timeline

March 21, 2016: Del Mar College invites public to open meeting to discuss southside location on March 24. STORY
April 11, 2016: Del Mar College invites public to final open meeting to discuss southside location on April 13. STORY
April 13, 2016: Future Del Mar College Vikings providing input about southside location tomorrow. STORY
June 14, 2016: Del Mar Regents approve master plan for southside campus. STORY
Sept. 19, 2016: Impacting the community with higher education. STORY
Nov. 8, 2016: Corpus Christi voters approve bond referendum providing funding for Del Mar College's new southside campus.
Feb. 6, 2018: The Del Mar College Board of Regents selects the team of Gensler and Turner Ramirez Architects to design the new campus on the city’s southside. STORY
Oct. 16, 2018: The DMC Board of Regents unanimously accept the first phase of the southside campus design. STORY
Dec. 2, 2019: Del Mar College celebrates a new era as southside campus construction gets underway. STORY
Aug. 10, 2021: Oso Creek Campus part of institutional rebranding effort presented to Board of Regents. STORY
May 10, 2022: DMC Board of Regents tour Oso Creek Campus construction progress. STORY
Mid-July 2022: STEM Building opens for limited classes.
Aug. 29, 2022: STEM and Culinary Arts buildings fully open for Fall 2022 classes.
Mid-January 2023: Oso Creek Campus fully open and operational for Spring 2023 classes.
Feb. 16, 2023: The City of Corpus Christi breaks ground for their new Police Training Academy on nine acres of the Oso Creek Campus through an interlocal contract approved by the DMC Board of Regents and the Corpus Christi City Council.
Page last updated April 5, 2023.